In this section:
Useful resources
Tungsten Brochure
134 pages containing fascinating text about the Past, the Present and the Future of Tungsten with copious illustrations. For a free copy contact the ITIA Secretariat ( including your postal address.
Contact ITIAITIA's History and its Members
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary AGM in 2012, the Association published a Booklet. It contains a brief history of ITIA and a page devoted to each ITIA member company profiling its products and activities. For a free copy contact ITIA.
Contact ITIATUNGSTEN: Properties, Chemistry, Technology of the Element, Alloys, and Chemical Compounds
By Erik Lassner and Wolf-Dieter Schubert; Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999
TUNGSTEN: Sources, Metallurgy, Properties, and Applications
By SWH Yih and CT Wang; Plenum Press, New York, 1979.
TUNGSTEN: Its History, Geology, Ore-Dressing, Metallurgy, Chemistry, Analysis, Applications and Economics.
By KC Li and Chung Yu Wang; Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1955.
TUNGSTEN: A Treatise on its Metallurgy, Properties and Applications.
Recycling of Tungsten (part 1)
Current share, economic limitations and future potential
DownloadRecycling of Tungsten (part 2)
The technology – history, state of the art and peculiarities
DownloadTungsten in Superalloys
An overview of the strength and plasticity of metals
Gas turbines for power plants and mechanical drive applications
Tungsten in Integrated Circuits
Tiny tungsten highways for today’s chip generation
DownloadNewsletter archive
Article of interest
Issue date
Recycling of Tungsten – Current Share, Economic Limitations and Future Potential
- Tungsten in Superalloys
- An Overview of the strength and plasticity of Metals
- Gas turbines for power plants and mechanical drive applications
- Masan Resources Nui Phao Project
- The Drakelands Mine
- Photocatalyst – A New Application for Tungsten
- Tungsten Goes 3D Printing
Tungsten in Dentistry
Cantung Mine
- The Panasqueira Mine at a Glance
- Atomically Thin Solar Cells made from Tungsten Diselenide
Cemented Carbides in the Soviet Union – The Unknown History
The Beautiful Colours of Tungsten Oxides
From Deposit to Concentrate: The Basics of Tungsten Mining (Part 2): Operational Practices and Challenges
- From Deposit to Concentrate: The Basics of Tungsten Mining (Part 1)
- Nickel-Tungsten Tapes Support the 2nd Generation of Hi-Temp Superconductors
Tungsten Chemicals and their Application
Tungsten in Life and Medicine
Cemented Carbides – A Success Story
Tungsten in Nuclear Fusion
Tungsten in Steel
A Family’s Day with Tungsten
Tungsten – Still Very Much an Element of Lighting
Geology of Tungsten
Mineralogy of the Element Tungsten
The History of Tungsten
The Trewhiddle Tungsten Bloom
Tungsten for a Cleaner Environment (II)
Tungsten for a Cleaner Environment (I)
Tungsten in Integrated Circuits
Annual statistics
ITIA's Annual Statistics Report (end 2022)
The annual statistical review of supply and demand prepared by the Secretary-General is free to ITIA members. It may be purchased by non-members for US$2,000 – see list of contents. To purchase, contact the Secretariat at
View list of contents